Class Descriptions

All classes are offered in person and virtually so you can practice your way.


Vinyasa Yoga

A dynamic flow incorporating creative movement patterns, safe alignment principles and the belief that practice makes practice, not perfection. Come as you are for a playful flow with options to modify at every level of practice. Expect to cultivate curiosity and self-inquiry through breath work, seated and standing poses, balances and inversions.   


PYC Sweat

Combine all of your favorite things about Sculpt, Barre and HIIT, and you have PYC Sweat – a full-body workout set to the beat of a high energy playlist! You’ll target major muscle groups through strength and cardio movements that incorporate free weights, resistance bands and your own bodyweight. Expect modifications in each class to adjust the intensity level. Accessible to all levels and a great complement to your yoga practice!

Gentle Yoga + Thai Massage

This yoga experience is designed to slow it down and offer space to release expectations and remind you that you are not what you produce. Expect gentle movement and supportive restorative postures timed specifically to offer hands-on Thai Massage assists. Thai Massage is based on opening the energy lines in the body to remove stagnation in the lymph fluid and increase healthy blood flow. With gentle pressure, assists come in the form of palming the body in a rocking motion. It is based on the understanding of "metta" which translates to loving kindness, so the giver channels this energy for the receiver.


Restorative Yoga

This class provides a safe and supportive environment for folks to explore deep, rejuvenating rest. Restorative Yoga is a practice of deliberate stillness with mindful attention to body and breath in gentle, floor-based postures supported by yoga props. As one student put it, “it’s the yoga class you didn’t know you needed!”


Yin Yoga

Yin is the practice of slowing down and inviting space into the body, physically and energetically. In this class, you will make space in the connective tissues in the body by holding poses for 3-5 minutes with supportive props. Yin emphasizes curiosity and encourages noticing your internal landscape: breath and sensations as well as habits and patterns. This gentle, juicy practice invites you to arrive as you are. Modifications are offered for all levels of practice. 


Slow Flow Yoga

Perfect for the beginner and advanced yogi alike who is looking to tap into sensation in a sustainable way. Simplified sequences with clear instruction gives you more time to set up, explore and find the version of the shape that's right for you, while maintaining a sense of movement and flow between shapes. Props are offered to deepen awareness and expand one’s understanding of their own embodiment. Uniting breath and body, this class offers a nourishing platform to connect with yourself exactly as you are.


Extended Vinyasa

Extended Vinyasa offers students the gift of time to expand their current Vinyasa practice. In this 90-minute class, students can expect a dynamic and creative vinyasa flow, but with additional time, space and instruction to explore shapes such as inversions, arm balances, back bends and more. With the extended time, students will have an opportunity to go deeper into the exploration of asana, pranayama, and meditation with more nuance. Extended vinyasa is open to all levels of students. Join us on the mat as we embrace curiosity and explore what’s possible!