One-on-One Offerings


Private sessions are a great way for new students looking to learn about the practice, experienced students to deepen their practice, and any student who would like offerings customized to their unique wants and needs.

  • 60-min sessions

  • $125 for a single lesson; $100 / lesson for 3+ lessons

Reiki with Casey

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing through hands-on touch. Casey will sit with your unique energy and work with your intentions for the experience. Casey intuitively offers Reiki with deep attention, care and love. Come as you are with an open and curious mind. Leave feeling relaxed and balanced. There is no right or wrong way to receive energy work, everyone experiences this subtle yet powerful healing differently.

  • 60-min sessions

  • $125 for a single lesson; $100 / lesson for 3+ lessons

Thai Yoga Bodywork with Danielle

Thai Yoga Bodywork is an ancient healing art combining the breath, yoga asana and mindfulness meditation of Metta (loving kindness) into a flowing dance of continuous rhythmic motion to deliver a soothing and revitalizing experience. TYB is based on Thai energy lines (the 'sen') in the body, working with balancing the energetic body and removing any blockages that may present in the physical, mental, emotional bodies. A session of TYB can result in restoring a healthy, balanced energetic flow to the recipient; some people become so relaxed, they even fall asleep. Sometimes called the "lazy man's yoga" the receiver is meant to be gently stretched and massaged by the practitioner.

What to expect:  The massage is done fully clothed on a soft futon-type mat on the floor. Wear comfortable clothing (ex. loose fitting pants or yoga pants and t shirt). Layers are helpful as the body cools down during the massage. Your practitioner will use mostly the palms of the hands and soles of feet to work the energy in your body from the feet to the crown of the head, acting as an extra pump for the blood and lymph in the body. Sometimes the thumbs and forearms are used for deeper pressure. Expect to feel deeply relaxed and balanced!

  • 60-min sessions

  • $125 for a single lesson; $100 / lesson for 3+ lessons

Virtual Meditation with Tara

Meditation helps the way your mind relates and reacts to your mental, physical and energetic sensations. With a consistent practice, over time you will notice a feeling of openness or wakefulness in everyday life. The ordinary will feel more magical, attachments and distractions will soften, and your light will shine brighter.

In these virtual private meditation sessions, your call for specific practices will stem from Tara’s knowledge of the arts, Tibetan Buddhism, yoga, bodywork, and universal intuition. Expect to be guided through basic seated meditation, body sensation scanning, energetic awareness, breath work, and more, along with encouragement and support to form your own practice.

  • 30-min sessions

  • $45 for a single lesson; $40 / lesson for 3+ lessons

Alexander Technique with Witold

Alexander Technique is a method of recognizing and re-patterning deep-seated neuromuscular habits that has been used worldwide for more than 100 years. You can expect individualized movement, posture and performance training to help:

  1. Identify and release ingrained habit patterns that cause unwanted tension

  2. Improve posture at work and at play

  3. Reduce the effects of stress

  4. Improve performance in daily activities (public speaking, musical performance, dance, yoga, teaching, and more)

  • 60-min sessions

  • $125 for a single lesson; $100 / lesson for 3+ lessons

Book Private Session

Book via the Mindbody app in the “Appointments” section or email Jess at